Wool Rugs Need Special Care
06/04/2015 Back To Blog
Made by the finest threads and natural colors, wool rugs require your full attention during cleaning procedures. The frequency of their maintenance would depend on foot trafficking but then again you should treat them thoroughly at least once a year. They need special care because wool fibers can be shrank or damaged if some rules are not applied. It's also important to clean them with the vacuum occasionally and remove the stains, but you must also be very careful of which products you use.
The best ways to clean wool rugs
Rug cleaning methods vary according to the materials rugs are made of. Those made of wool are very special and will last for a very long time if they are only cleaned properly. It's good to vacuum them at least once a week in a “V” style method rather than moving the vacuum cleaner back and forth as you regularly do. This method will protect the fibers. If you just bought your Persian rugs, vacuum them even more regularly at first to remove excessive wool fibers, which have been left from the weaving process. Since the fibers are sensitive, you should put the beater bar of the vacuum at the highest level so that it can barely touch the rug.
It's also vital to vacuum the rug at both sides. In fact, when you turn it at the back side, look for any signs of water damage or moth. The household moths' larva love to eat wool fibers and would cause great damage. Leak problems will also cause great damage if the issue is not taken care of immediately. By examining the rug meticulously, you manage to prevent such issues at an early stage. It's also necessary to treat stains as fast as possible, too. The good thing with wool rugs is that their weaving is so dense, food and drink residues are not immediately absorbed by the fibers.
Still stain removal needs attention. If you try to scrub stains, you might ruin the sensitive fibers. It's best to put some pressure with your hands but never put a colored towel or cloth over the stain. Colors might be transferred to the rug. It's best to blot the spot and it's always best to use the right detergents. Avoid powder-like ones since dust powder might penetrate between the fibers and will be hard to remove. Once a year, it's good to take the rug out in the balcony or patio for ventilation and beating but don't leave it under the sun for long to protect the colors.